Saturday, August 30, 2014

How social media works…

Now let’s take a look at each of the main types of social media, and how they work. These explanations are intentionally very general, because with social media every
rule seems to have an exception.
In fact, among the defining characteristics of social media are the blurring of definitions, rapid innovation, reinvention and mash-ups. Each explanation also has a section on how to try out that form of social media yourself, with pointers on both how to find social media that’s relevant to you and how you might go about creating it. If you want to really understand how social media works, there’s no better way than to take part in it.

Friday, August 29, 2014

How to Create a Site That Will Attract Tremendous Amounts of Traffic

Once you have chosen your keywords you are ready to build your site. For your domain name you should strive for an exact match domain (EMD) if available. So if your keyword is 'women car insurance' you'll go for if this is not available try the .net, .info or any other TLD that happens to be available.

Discover Our Degree Programs EMD domains used to get you a big advantage with Google - but not anymore. Unfortunately Google has changed their algo regarding EMDs but it still can get you some extra points, and of course anything that Google gives we are willing to take.

How to Monetize Your Site

The Amazing Formula business model is based on 2 sources of income:

a. Google AdSense ads.
b. Affiliate Programs

Which is better? there is no clear answer to this question. Some niches will produce better with affiliate programs others with AdSense, you should test on a niche by niche bases. Usually you'll make more money with an affiliate site, unfortunately there may be many instances where you will find a good niche with keywords that can be easily ranked but no suitable affiliate program, in this case you'll use AdSense ads, and by the way, this will happen to you a lot.

Once you find a good keyword to target you start looking for an affiliate program that will go with this site. As a rule of thumb you should always prefer to promote digital products (eBooks, software, online services, etc.) over physical products. Why? because digital products come with higher margins which in most cases translate into higher commissions to the site owner.

Where can you find good affiliate programs to promote?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Send large files quickly and securely

When deadlines loom, meet them with ease Send large files quickly to keep on track and on schedule. With a big deadline around the corner, you can't afford any bumps in the road. If you need to send large files, such as videos, photography and graphic-heavy presentations, email can let you down when crunch time hits.

Either that crucial file is larger than your permitted attachment size, or your client's system won't accept it and you receive the dreaded bounceback email. Alternatives like FTP systems are too complex, while paying $100 for a courier to deliver a flash drive is an expensive way of doing business. So you can say "no

Monday, August 25, 2014

Discovering Profit-Driving Keywords

The way my strategy works is simple.  You focus on creating quick little sites that each
target a laser targeted long-tail keywords. Once you complete one site you quickly move onto the next. So you don't want to spend too much time on any one site. This way you create, one by one, an army of passive income websites that keep producing cash for years.

I'll show you exactly how to create and promote your first money making website, than you just rinse and repeat to create as many websites as you wish, the more sites you create the more money you make. The only limit is how far you want to go.

Now let's not waste any more time and move directly to the first component of the strategy which deals with deciding on the keywords your site is going to target. This is a crucial decision and a fundamental part of achieving success online. You could do everything else perfectly, but target the wrong keywords and your site will be a total failure. in this chapter I'll tell you exactly what to look for when searching for good solid keywords.

How to Choose a Web Host

Are you getting ready to move your website to a new host, or want to launch a brand new site? Choosing a web host can be a tricky process, mainly be cause there are so many companies offering cheap or free hosting. While it's tempting to just sign up for a free host, there are a lot of factors to keep in mind, and you'll often find that a paid host is much more beneficial in the long run. See Step 1 below to learn how to pick the best web hosting service for you.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Making Money Online Beginners Tips and Ideas

The following list of tips is meant to provide new comers with basic Internet Marketing advice to help improve their initial online marketing activities. It can also serve as an introduction to online marketing. Note that these tips are not necessary related to my strategy but rather constitute general internet marketing advice. If you are an experienced online marketer you may want to skip this chapter and go directly to the next one where I start explaining my simple, yet highly effective, strategy of making lots of money online.
Now here are the tips:

1. One great way to make money online is to use a site like Etsy or eBay to sell things you make yourself. If you have any talents, from sewing to knitting to carpentry, you can make a killing through online markets. People want items that are handmade, so join in!

2. Take paid surveys online if you want to make some extra cash on the side. Market research companies will want to get as much consumer feedback as possible, and these surveys are a great way to do this. Surveys may range anywhere from five cents to 20 dollars depending on the type you do.

The Single Most Critical Factor in Making Money Online

There is a special breed of Online-Millionaires that are making money on the internet like crazy. You've probably never heard of them. They keep themselves and their activities under the radar. Why? because they follow a certain simple strategy and they don't want you or anyone else to discover it. This strategy has created more millionaires than you could ever think possible.

How do I know? I am one of those Millionaires, and I'm going to reveal to you now each and every component of this incredible strategy.

You may have stumbled on my name on the internet, probably in relation to my capacity as a writer and publisher of business guides. This is just one side of me, the visible one. There has been another side to my online presence, a concealed one. And there is where I've been taking advantage of that simple strategy to accumulate my seven figure fortune.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Internet Marketing Strategy - A Good Way to Start

Internet marketing strategy, why is there a need for this kind of stuff? What can it offer a certain business related individual? How can it affect an individual’s business? Can it increase your sale or decrease it?

To begin with, an internet marketing strategy is an elaborate and systematic plan of action made by a businessman in order to gain success in terms of online business. It is also a hypothesis that proposes the direction a certain online company should go in order to fulfill its vision or goal and in order to maximize the possibility of the company’s future success. One of the benefits of an effective internet marketing strategy is that it can improve even the employees’ performance and can establish good company environment in the future.