Earning some good amount of dollar from your very own home
is a great opportunity to anybody.
can even build a real live website with the free trial and it will work for the
ten days, then it will stop working unless someone (i.e. the person who created
it) "buys" it. There is also the option to ahve a custom
designed website.
If you decide to join the affiliate program (it is totally
free and you can quit anytime), first write down your affiliate ID number and
do not loose it, next enter your computer generated affiliate ID number
provided on the screen into the right box on the form below, along with your
name ,etc, and send it in. Now you are registered as one of the
"affiliates", which mostly means that now they know who to mail the
check to if someone you send to the site buys a website from them.
You can also make up fliers or cheap business cards and had
them out (just don't make too many at once and don't spend a lot of money on
it, just try a few at a time and see if they work before making more.) This is
supposed to be an investment free type of article!
No matter what method you use to tell people about the
website, and the fact that they can "quickly and easily create their own
website in minutes (with optional online store) (or have it custom designed for
them)", be sure to include your unique affiliate ID number in the
hyperlink, or else the company will not know that you sent those people, and it
will not be able to pay you if they buy anything.
By the way I may not have mentioned it, but you can also
make money by having other people become affiliates, as long as they generate
sales, or the next level of people the get to joint the affiliate program make